The ORCID Inbox


ORCID makes it easy to manage your record

The next time you log into ORCID, be sure to check your ORCID inbox by clicking on your name at the top right corner, then click on inbox. The inbox is ORCID’s messaging system that helps record holders manage how and when they receive notifications about:

Account and record notifications

You may opt-in to receive notifications in your inbox when a trusted organization has added or edited your record with your permission. Other account notifications include administrative changes, such as being made a trusted individual. A third type of account notification comes when a trusted organization wants your permission to add or update your ORCID record.

Requests to grant permission to other scholarly services so they can keep it up to date.

Crossref can automatically keep your record up to date with the articles you publish.  You only have to grant permission once, by clicking a button, and Crossref will automatically add work items for all the Crossref DOIs that contain your ORCID iD.

New features and tips notifications

You may opt-in to receive emails from ORCID about new features and tips for making the most of your ORCID record. These messages are sent to your primary email address once quarterly. You can change your notification settings at any time under your account settings.

Service messages related to or affecting your ORCID account

These announcements are rare, but we are required by law to send messages about changes to your visibility settings and the functioning of your ORCID account. You may not opt-out of service messages per our privacy policy.

The ORCID inbox offers a way to stay in touch with updates, new features, and changes to the ORCID registry. Learn more about your inbox features here.